SPPU Students


Couses & Stream




University Authority

Prof.(Dr.) Suresh Gosavi

Vice Chancellor

Dr. Parag Kalkar

Pro-Vice Chancellor

Prof.(Dr.) Vijay Khare

Director, International Centre

About Us

About International Centre

Savitribai Phule Pune University attracts the largest number of international students in comparison to all other Indian Universities. Apart from offering a multi-cultural and inter-disciplinary learning environment, one of the main reasons for studying in Pune is the manageable cost of living and the conducive environment for education. We have around 10,000 students, from over 100 countries at the University and its affiliated colleges.

The International Centre, Savitribai Phule Pune University, located on campus, assists the International Students’ Community, in acquiring information about the various courses, colleges, tuition structure, eligibility, accommodation, health insurance and the likes offered by the University. It is also operative in arranging for the students’ admissions and their overall welfare.

From the Director's Desk

Prof.(Dr.) Vijay Khare

Director, International Centre

Welcome to Savitribai Phule Pune University. (Formerly University of Pune)

Savitribai Phule Pune University is one of the leading universities in India with a sprawling campus of 411 acres. It has the largest number of international students from a large number of countries.

Located in Pune, the Oxford of the East, an educational hub, Savitribai Phule Pune University attracts not only foreign nationals but also students from different parts of the country. Pune is a safe city for students and has pleasant weather all through the year.

I am very happy that you have decided to take admission at Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Welcome to the Online Admission Procedure of the International Centre, Savitribai Phule Pune University, for Foreign Nationals, Children of Indians Working in the Gulf / South East Asia, /PIO/OCI & ICCR students under the 15% over and above Supernumerary quota. The International Centre has introduced the online admission procedure, since the academic year 2015-16.

This online procedure will make the admission process simple, flexible, time-saving as well as transparent. You must read the instructions given on the website carefully before you begin to upload the documents. Please do not upload any documents till you have collected all the stamped originals.

There is absolutely no need to approach any agent or pay any money for any seat.

Welcome once again & all the best.

Prof.(Dr.) Vijay Khare
Director, International Centre
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 411007
Phone No.:- 020-25691162
Email:- intcent@unipune.ac.in

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